Sunday, May 30, 2010

K and J

My boss's daughter is going to be getting married in September and she asked me if I would do engagement pictures for her daughter and future son-in-law. I had taken pictures of their daughter several months before. I also took a few family pictures so that they had some. These are some of my favorite shots that I took that day. Hopefully, I will be able to take some more of them soon.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

H/C family

I got to take pictures of this family, because I worked with Kristi and we have become great friends! This photo shoot actually turned out bigger than expected, because Kristi's dad came into town and wanted family pics with everyone. So, I took pictures of her, her husband and step-son. Then some of each of her brothers's families and finally all of them together. I also took some of her neighbor and her family, which turned out to be her step-mom's brother, wife and son. I enjoyed taking these.
There are lots more! However, these are some of my favorite!

A. T.

This little one is the granddaughter of my Principal. She was four months old when I took these. She was lots of fun to photograph. Once I started taking the pictures she was smiling and happy, even through three outfit changes and being wrapped up in a jacket.

Monday, November 23, 2009

J Law

This is the son of a friend of mine I work with. I took these picturees of him in his great-grandma's backyard. As we took the pictures he kept asking for a bug. Yes, me who does not like bugs was taking pictures of a bug. However, the bug was actually a rollie-pollie. The funny part was my girlie-girl Jenna was helping him find the rollie pollies. Anyway, I did get to do some other shots. These are my favorite ones.

For anyone who has ever taken pics of little ones, Mr. Law taught me to catch the shots when I can. :)

Friday, September 18, 2009


This little girl is a good friend of Kaci's. She is so cute. Her Fifth birthday was in May and since it was already the end of August her mom asked me if I would take some pictures of her. I said of course. So the girls and I met them at a park on the NMSU campus. Little Miss has a very pretty smile and I loved taking her pictures. I hope to do some more of her.

Three friends... They are all little hams. Not sure where the fourth, Jenna, was, but she is usually a ham too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

T. Turner

Here are some more pictures of a very sweet little boy. I took pictures of his mommy pregnant with him and then his first pictures. He is a little ham when he wants to be. His mommy and I teach together. The girls really like to play with him.