Monday, November 23, 2009

J Law

This is the son of a friend of mine I work with. I took these picturees of him in his great-grandma's backyard. As we took the pictures he kept asking for a bug. Yes, me who does not like bugs was taking pictures of a bug. However, the bug was actually a rollie-pollie. The funny part was my girlie-girl Jenna was helping him find the rollie pollies. Anyway, I did get to do some other shots. These are my favorite ones.

For anyone who has ever taken pics of little ones, Mr. Law taught me to catch the shots when I can. :)

Friday, September 18, 2009


This little girl is a good friend of Kaci's. She is so cute. Her Fifth birthday was in May and since it was already the end of August her mom asked me if I would take some pictures of her. I said of course. So the girls and I met them at a park on the NMSU campus. Little Miss has a very pretty smile and I loved taking her pictures. I hope to do some more of her.

Three friends... They are all little hams. Not sure where the fourth, Jenna, was, but she is usually a ham too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

T. Turner

Here are some more pictures of a very sweet little boy. I took pictures of his mommy pregnant with him and then his first pictures. He is a little ham when he wants to be. His mommy and I teach together. The girls really like to play with him.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Four Generations

These are pictures of a friend of mine, her mom, grandma and daughter. She called me and asked me if I would a four generation picture. Her grandmother had bee here for awhile and was leaving so they thought it would be appropiate. Very photogenic family.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The two girls below are Greg's cousins girls. They were so much fun to photograph. The oldest one will be a fourth grader this year. She loved having her pictures taken. However, her little sister was not happy about having to take pictures. It makes me laugh. My girls are more like the oldest one, they love being photographed so it was strange. The youngest one was born on our anniversary and will be in the first grade this year. I took lots of each of the girls, but decided I would post my favorites. The craziest part is all four girls were in pink. I guess that is expected though since both families have girly girls. I also included a couple shots of the four girls together.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Family Photos

The family in the pictures below are friends of ours. She is an SLP that worked with me at Cesar Chavez. They found out I enjoy taking pictures so they asked me if I would be willing to take some of them at their house. Anyway, I think they turned out cute. Their oldest son, I swear was born with a set of drumsticks in his hands. He has had rhythm for years. The middle son is Kaci's favorite. Everytime she sees him she chases him. Then their daughter is so beautiful, like her mom and is sweet. The whole family is musical and athletic. Not to mention adorable. Enjoy the pics.
They were pleased and there are many more pictures that were cute.